Fact and quality of life as two existential foundations of economy, or Malthus vs Tornquist

Physiologically, a person is not a vegetable, that is, the ability to move is biologically inherent in him.

Meanwhile, in philosophy, the situation of an existential choice between a fact and the quality of life is known.

Life Fact:

  • expressed by the maxim "I want to eat";
  • is a demographic factor;
  • has the value of "natal holiness";
  • emphasis on the original.

The quality of life:

  • expressed by the maxim "I want more";
  • is a migration factor;
  • has the value of freedom or belonging;
  • emphasis on perspective.

Being interconnected, these objects of choice represent fundamentally different premises of economic behavior.

The emphasis of perspective is opposed to the fear of fog. The directly experiential opposes imagination as the primary demiurgic act of constructing the future and creating reality.

An attempt to find in economic reality a certain starting point of a human need, coupled with a way to satisfy it (a kind of "initial situational-behavioral mechanism"), and to dance from it, not being able to deal with the complex, is a pure Cartesian reduction. The problem is that such a "starting point" (which, by the way, is "Smith's dogma"), which is intuitively seen as a kind of archetypal existential, does not represent economic reality as a subject of description of economic science. This problem is complemented by another - the frequent (and almost universal) indifference that the call to consider this subject in dynamics, without calling just for complexity as the starting point for its consideration, turns out to be fruitless and meaningless: this dynamic, having barely begun, always returns to the original "zero" of the infantile "I want to eat".

In itself, the dispute about the fact and quality of life is one of those arguments that have an infinite field, because it deals with a virtualistic subject. And sooner or later, the narrative of "interrupted processes" arises in this dispute, especially in the economic key. First of all, the processes of development of something, either by a lack of resources, or by conflict (including due to this lack).

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