Logistic design: the basis of everyday life

On the rights of the manifesto.

"Le monde va changer de base..."
Eugene Pote


In terms of social evolution


A bit of techno-social trendhunting

Trendhunting, or foresight, or visionary. In connection with the further aspects of the introduced concept of logistic design, we should make a few remarks on the current context and prospects for its change, take into account the development of technological solutions of the type under consideration (and, accordingly, market proposals) for the future of 5 years from 2018 and express some simple ones (due to their obvious realism) predictive hypotheses. "In the process of various processes", the EU countries made a strong-willed political decision to gradually, but quickly and steadily, transfer all motor vehicles to electric traction and abandon hydrocarbon fuels, irrespective of existing economic interests and discretions. That means the transition to the new quality of not only the “civilization of automobiles”, but also the global financial system itself, in which oil prices significantly reduce their role of general market regulators. The historical basis of the financial market for loans, as is known, is the bodmerey, which is also historically the first regular financial and insurance activity. Therefore, in the conditions of the changes we are talking about here, in finance and the monetary system one should expect an emphasis on the connection of local insurance guarantees with project-group identifiers of trust localized in time and space. In other words, money (first of all, logical or virtual “local currency systems”) will play the role of means of thematic (sectoral) identification and launch of business processes with a guarantee of conversion into other currencies. Working at the same time in the system of lifestyle and its reproduction, based on the combination of the end-market environment and the logistics environment: now it will be one environment, and what was different environments will become the modes of its existence[1]

In terms of mobile housing, the transition to electric traction means an increase in the degree of autonomy of such solutions and a radical simplification of the procedure for their maintenance (the need to replace consumables will decrease significantly). At the same time, the demand for R&D solutions in the field of capacity and portability of batteries and generators from renewable sources – aeolian and solar, with a drastic increase in their kilowatt capacity will increase. With the growth in demand and in the case of massivization of the “comfortable mobility” brand, first of all – the Recreational Vehicle (RV) market, it is natural to expect a decrease in their prices along with general prices for all categories of mobile housing. At the same time, an increase in the share of electrical and electronic components in them will trigger the introduction of road autopilot systems integrated with autonavigation systems. It will be possible to live in the cabin of the camper during the automatic movement on highways, not paying attention to the traffic situation. The development of local automation on mobile civilian platforms can also increase the level of development of on-board computers placed on them, one of the functional tasks of which will be the optimization of water supply management: extraction from the "unprepared" external environment, cleaning, storage and consumption, utilization. This also adds engine integration to the wheels themselves, turning the chassis into an all-wheel drive and, most likely, a return to the ideas of inertia batteries (so popular in the 1960s and 70s). What will be the source of another block of tasks for the onboard computer.
At the same time, we should expect a change in the structure of what is called "industrial housing construction": in addition to the fact that it will somehow change in any case, it will most likely be closer to Kisho Kurokawa’s metabolic architecture and will be, rather, for the multi-storey variant – raster vertical parking systems such as campers and caravans (like vertical parking lots in New York in the 1930s); for a single-storey one, parking with landscaping in the form of recreational and service elements. This means that it will certainly represent borrowing from the field of automated warehousing, representing another type of logistics technology. (Kurokawa, it seems, simply did not, in his time, with his idea of ​​the group composition of "residential modules in the raster" go beyond the framework of architecture into the field of personal transport.) Accordingly, as we move to electric traction, expanding the automation of movement and marked changes in the field of "housing construction", the border between the camper and the caravan will erode (since both of them will be motorized) – just as the border between the PDA and cell phone blurred giving place first to the "smartphone", then to an even more universal tablet. The wheel layout of these solutions is also likely to undergo changes: the fundamental difference in the chassis is more likely to be between the more “speedy” three-wheel version (a la dymaxion car) and the classic “phaeton-omnibus” four-wheel one. Which, in turn, will also merge, since it will become much easier to vary the width of the axis (and, again, automatically), as well as clearance. Changing the number of wheels and their layout is likely to also be simplified.
The beginning of these wonderful things in the world, therefore, should be expected sometime from 2023, the visibility of the phenomenon to the media is about the same time. The beginning of the boom is most likely by 2025, after the mass media (including new media and, if any, super new media) they will work on branding this topic and make it a common place – an actual phenomenon of mass consciousness. The shock factor for this truly ambitious process may already be repeatedly mentioned, both in Russia and abroad, a kind of military mess, expected just in time for 2025. It is not yet known whether it will become a barrier or a trigger, and to what extent this or that. Its specific reasons, however, are not called – all references to this account relate to some abstract "aggregate of negative tendencies of growing international tension", the main ones among which for 2018 are the growth of protectionism and the US opposition to China. The parallels are different – basically, of course, events of a century ago are considered. To the author of these lines, the process seems somewhat larger: if the roots of the current civilization crisis are stretching somewhere in the 17th century (if not in the 16th century), then it would be more appropriate to draw parallels with the "sharing of the Spanish legacy" inherited by the Spaniards of the bent Inca Empire. It is possible that we will talk about the inheritance of Russia (which, by the way, also took place a hundred years ago) against the background of quite possible dramatic events related to the future formation of a confederately organized social system on its present territory. However, if it will be military shocks, and in this form, then to the listed set of technological innovations will be added the imprint of the military trigger considered below in the "carriage" aspect. In the field of military technology itself (first of all, of military logistics and weapons), most likely, within the framework of network-centric and swarm concepts, the noted shock trigger implements the principles of cheapening, enhancing portability, strength, multiple fuzziness and inter-element communication; who will return to the civilian sector in a reverse wave and synergistically strengthen what we are talking about here. That is, one way or another, they will be distributed to such civil decisions in the post-conflict period. It is also possible that during this period, at the level of the largest organization of international political cooperation, it will be decided to take systemic measures to prevent the emergence in the world of large state entities with a unitary type of device.
A separate issue of the development of lifestyle-related technological changes is the acceptance of a developed caravan-domilon (including vertical-parking) housing, by those who are used to living settled. Relocatability to places of concentration of capital and labor demand will be associated with relocatability of habitual small habitats, only with a speed far exceeding that of a “snail” or “turtle” – first of all, it means “broken” transits of property and owners. This is most likely to be the difference between the generation following the generation “Y”, living in an actual situation of deprivation of the body of relatively small and near spaces, which even in the case of sufficiently high profitability of certain members of this generation are perceived as not own and alienated in clip turnover allowing individual short-sighted observers to extrapolate their near experience to the future and to assert that there will be no personal dwelling. What is the result of the inability to look beyond the "simple product" of their own concepts. Yes, the principle of multi-unitism will change, but this does not mean that a person abandons his own anthropological organics. Without "his own corner", which he can now drag away where he wants, it will be bad for him.
Most likely, such maximum settled-in-mobile “post-Y's” will somewhat resemble motorized workers according to M. Okhitovich with “birdhouses” (which are also mobile, but “slightly less” than cars), that’s just the state of housing for those about whom we are talking about, in urgency will be approximately equal to the current caravan-camper – from 5 to 30 minutes, and if it is the proletariat (qualified, according to Marx), it already has historical experience of the prekariat ( without regular cash income), and therefore capable of updating the task of limiting consumption, and therefore – to the formation of its new structure. And all these things will be perceived and viewed as a right and an income, and not bringing luck with the gifts invented at the top of the power pyramid and lowered from there. In this sense, a change in the dominant type of household will change the mass market. It is unlikely that it will completely disappear, as other "fighters with Babylon" dream, but it will surely become different. And, of course, since the elements and whole system blocks of such an image of civilization-nomadic life will be traded, we will talk about branding, a significant part of which (if not its very being) will be “user generated”, which will become an essential autocatalyst for changes in the mass everyday life.
However, so far it is not very clear how changing the fundamentals of the world monetary system (first of all, the order of investment and, apparently, the invariably mass-based exchange) will affect all these processes. It is clear that the massovization of exchange trades (the formation of the “people's IPO”) can be initiated through controlled gambling[2], however, at the beginning of the 21st century, this is still available only to economically developed secular countries (with normative tolerance and non-religious legislation), as well as countries with a poor, but not impoverished, population experiencing appropriate frustrations (notoriously questioning “what money to keep?”). The factor of private money and local currency systems is added to the popular IPO precisely as a significant factor of the global currency market. It is with emphasis on such conditions that the launching of neonomadic branding processes should be considered. The possibility of the development of the world along this path is not only a bare fantasy – it will be the realization of the natural desires of the next generations that solve concrete problems, which are becoming increasingly obvious prerequisites for future changes. And, most likely, these processes will proceed more stretched and in a natural way than that fruit of imagination, breathtaking impatient spirit presents us. It is noteworthy that the conservative trend in these issues, usually associated with the opinions of the elderly and even the older generation, will be on the side of just such changes, since initially and until very recently, kemper life was perceived in the "mass consciousness" as a lot of secured European or American old age, whereas since the 2010s, the demand for mobile housing is noticeably younger, and for all types of it: thus, the semi-stationary domillons remote from urban environments into the wild nature can be quite confidently considered the subject of demand of the upper strata of the “still retaining being” middle class (and the farther away the wilderness is, the solution is considered more premium). Therefore, most likely, talking here about new housing branding, it also makes sense to talk about the deep transformation of humanity precisely along the line of perception of nomadism in the most diverse social categories. It is possible that it is this transformation that represents a new direction of civilizational development (and civilization, and not imperial), which it will choose as a way out of the civilizational crisis, which today doesn’t speak, and which, is nested, that is, it represents a combination of processes having 40-year-old, 150-year-old, 300-year-old and 600-year-old prescription. It is exactly what is being discussed here in the sense of the interface between logistics and the landscape-house-building theme that the condition of the necessary “balance between conservative (preserving) and destructive (renewing) forces” brings to life the condition of which architect A.V. Bokov speaking in his interview about the problems of "multi-apartmence" in the urban environment.

Political-economic aspect

In this new world, the measure of a settled-in-nomad one will most likely determine the measure of pay-per-income, per person. The measure of the nomadic-to-nomadic, depending on the type of migration, the flaning or pendulum (regardless of the number of poles of the latter), will determine the measure of profit attributable to the same person. The considered type of household, which, in the light of the above, is also appropriately called “logistic”, turns out to be a very successful means of combining the principle of civil liberties (first of all, personal-legal and economic) with the expected and voiced by quite a few prospects of individual cities and agglomerations international trade and legal subjectivity, which so far possessed individual states (national or imperial types). In this sense, returning to the “maximally settled” and preserving the mass market, it should be noted that the “multi-unit industrial housing” itself will not disappear completely, but will cease to be the subject of a boom and rampant “development” devouring foreign lands, retaining the low-rise niche stationary solutions – perhaps a little wider than the one that in Europe now occupies living in ancient castles or chalets, but in any case not speculatively expensive. Indeed, as the classic says, capitalism does not care about land ownership. But individuals do not spit on civil rights – where active personalities actually has a place. It seems that the branch of “construction development” (especially in Russia in the first third of the 21st century) is the last, most vile, model-didactic, type of industrial imperialism, when all other types have already exhausted their potential for viability. And what we are talking about here is intended to put an end to this filth, without cutting off the infrastructure branch in favor of leftist idiocy.
In connection with what has been said, it is possible to assume that the evolutionary transition from a nomadic way of life to a sedentary passes through the path from the flaning (gandering) migration to the pendulum migration (which can be quite complicated – not necessarily two-vertex) and, further, to the actual settlement. The evolution from settled life to nomadicity also occurs through pendulum migration. But these are precisely the paths of evolution of man and his society, and not degradation: the fact that other forms of settled life and nomadism can be more perfect with respect to other forms of their opposites has already become a commonplace. However, just as any geometric shapes that have measurements, you can think of traces formed by linear or radial movement, in the sense of healthy residency, commensurate with human nature as a moving creature, you should rather talk about pendulum migration of various frequencies and amplitudes, whereas the definition of non-nomadicity should be considered not only as a form of serfdom in a broad sense, but as a condition for the formation of serfdom and enslaved consciousness as a whole. For serfdom is the rent of an outside sedentary human being. By and large, humanity has not fully clarified for itself the nature of consciousness, but whatever this cognitive ability may be, we can say that in any case it is related to the ability to self-displacement, if not rooted in it.
The measure of a sedentary worldview determines the measure of serf consciousness — the consciousness of being in the roles of a slave and a master, who immediately defines a person in one or another of them, but always coexists in the same consciousness. Such a perception of the world is neither pendulum nor flanking: even pendulum moving in a circle is freer than a settled one, especially if this circle is wide enough (and an infinitely wide circle forms a straight line). Sedentary consciousness is associated with the categories of pressure and compactness, the minimality of the available space, and represents the beginning of the state hierarchy. This is the consciousness of narrowness. "In the cramped and not offended" – the consciousness of the herd. Insult because of the narrowness – the inability to determine privacy and create cooperation. In the word "strife" is the connotation of cramping. Strife is characteristic of sedentary societies that know statehood. "Healthy sedentary", based on pendulum, or regular, movement, is an action in the system of world coordinates, and is the beginning of trade. Flaning movement is a search and discovery action. They are related to each other and are friendly to the world, recognizing its right to move as well as their own, and any movement compensated as localization, and therefore always local and already suggesting radiality within themselves. As Fuller said, “The Universe is islands of compression in the ocean of tension”, and he also said that compression is a decrease in radius. Compression is not the same as the miniaturization of technological solutions, the latter represents an organization on a different scale – this is another embodiment of density, while the first is the deformation force on the same scale. In the case of a person, this is the radius of a possible action – when it is reduced, the uncontrollability and non-communicativeness of an individual with external world forces increases, their mystification as powerful and inaccessible, but organized and unpredictable, beginning, and conditions are created for religious manipulation of consciousness that have nothing to do to the questions of positive theology of any form – whether it is Kant's transcendentalism or Defoe's providentialism, proclaiming the eternity of the uncertainty factor in the system of sober and rational categories[3]. A person begins to be inspired by the need for some kind of mediator with such forces – whether it be a priest or a state engaged in "external relations" in the person of "his best representatives". Yes, speaking in the proposed concepts and following the ideas of Khaldun, empires as a proto-states emerged from the central-peripheral cross-generation pendulum nomadism. But their essence is precisely in the absence of movement in the center and in attachment to biocenotic cycles, in an effort of “establish”-center to extend the principle of its existence to the maximum surrounding space. Empire is the primary principle of the spread of settled life. Expansion from the center is not nomadic. This necrosis creates a hierarchy: the beginnings are spatial, then the logical and speculative. Over time, the geometry of thinking becomes an abstraction and turns into an algebra of thinking, creating the illusion of the “mathematical immutability” of the model absolute. From this notion, there arises the transformation of identifiers of spaced apart figures into state money, becoming a means of distributing resources and, further, into state-controlled means of public exchange, fading in their strength of trust as they move away from the invariably prevail center, hiding any movements from “ignorant masses” inside their own fences, which, concealed shamefully, cannot exist except in the form of intrigue. That is why the sacred place in the center of the imperial state is a cemetery, adjacent to the empty open space or surrounding it. But the nomad is technologically more advanced than any other imperial at any level of the hierarchy: as a result of migration, he chooses the best (which is well written by Fuller regarding the improvement of ship parts in his "Grunch of Giants" in the chapter "Heads or tails we win, inc.", but not only from him). Nomad is most inclined to innovations, which are immediately localized with respect to the “small world” for interaction with the natural world. Being inscribed in the world, rather than being closed in a "non-belonging large" is a condition of well-being and prosperity, as well as an optimal strategy for externality behavior.
The case of Russia is an imperial classic: the center of the capital of the largest state on the planet, shifted sharply towards the West, is Ivanovo Square, surrounded by church necropolises. The next ring is the Red Square, which is allocated on the side, with the “second level” necropolis locally surrounding the ancient castle and the mausoleum that complements it. Then there are the rings and the radii of movement, between which the environment is located, which, again, the state considers "dead", because it does not know how it lives, and it revives it with road construction tricks with a vigorous army ghost – the only form of vigor known to it.
Logistic design as a field of activity and the sum of the artifacts it implements is considered in its ability to trigger a global wave of demand. Therefore, the presentation here is partly proposed as a hypothesis and at the same time a business idea in support of such a wave. But this is more, since the proposed aspect of the discretion of creative and life-supporting human activity is not just what was in the case of the "black and white" coal-cotton wave, which began in the middle of the XIX century[4] – its analogue today cannot be something the same, but it requires some radical solution. However, this wave is characterized by a similarity to its predecessor, which consists in the fact that something, which until some time represents the object of consumption of elites, becomes widespread; only now it is not cotton shirts, but a wider enclosure of the human body. This solution is in removing the opposition between the nomadic and sedentary (in creating a flexible differential between them as states, the values of which are easy and convenient to choose) for the end user and the average citizen of the Earth. And this means, first of all, the possibility of choosing the types and flexibility of recombination of the pendulum migration, under which the “mobile infrastructure of mobility” is created. The dependence of this resident on the repressive apparatus of the state (namely the Russian-speaking "gosudar-stvo" or "prince-state", and not the more general European-language "state" in itself – that may be non-prince-able "confederal republic"[5]) continues only because of its attachment to a form of dwelling convenient first of all to the state itself issued to a citizen or filed (to what extent this an ordinary resident is aware of what it means to be this or that) for achieving civilization. An imposed way of life – sedentary, or, on the contrary, mobile, but also imposed (as for army officials) is the non-privacy of ownership of personal space (and already repeatedly noted by other bona fide commentators – in "artificial crampedness"). The wave, the beginning of which is possible within the framework of the known forms of economic growth, by its end can make the way of life structure irreversibly superior to the preceding ones. A general standard will be formed of more or less perfect forms that do not depend essentially on project objectives and business activity, which will not necessarily correspond in one way or another to the known principles of monetary circulation. We are talking about new sustainable forms of adaptability that are to be created, and therefore many questions and doubts are expected here. And, of course, here we are talking about genuine transboundary, brought to its logical limit – the final taxa of social classification. Undoubtedly, this is all sufficiently justified to have a 150-year wave of mass demand for comparison of time scales. And this is the minimum.
Within all of these ideas, it is assumed that a new way of life will be potentiated with hitherto unseen qualities, not divorced, however, from its historical prototypes. This is a step towards technologies that give freedom – another attempt to make humanity controlled in its creative and productive freedom to itself, a controversy with King Ashoka himself and his "nine wise men" about what forces can be at the disposal of one "simple" person, since the question seems to concern the person himself and her choice, and not those things or natural forces that she can possess (at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries there are many examples of “sovereign” who have no idea what exactly is at their disposal). It is today, in the era of the crisis of the capitalist system, that it is increasingly clear that in order to become free and preserve humanity, it is necessary to return the general accessibility of simple, but powerful, physical forces, since the anti-human and anti-civilization principles exist in the presumption of the exclusive right to natural forces, their extraction and use, located in the same or created as the same, deadened, the space considered by these principles as a control space, but not a facilitation space, which, for the sake of guarantees of preservation of control, it is necessary to expand, but not overcome, by carrying out such assistance, building and changing ties, that is, developing. And such a dead practice is presented by other scientists' minds as the “inevitable evil” of complication and development of society! However, the inaccessibility of complex local reproduction is an illusion if only because the ontic counterbalance of any complexity is the ubiquitous simplicity of universal forms found in the forms of more complex organizations of natural forces. Meanwhile, the useful types of the most complex forms of natural organization (living) are already provided to man "as is" and are reproduced by automatic program and in the same natural way. It is possible that further and more detailed clarification of this issue can also detect very surprising things.
This aspect of freedom means that the motive for the development of design for the real world (which is discussed later) in the "logistics" side has a socio-political basis, which, perhaps, is of primary importance (if not in essence, then certainly for humans). It is connected with the question of how not only to minimize risks, but even effectively resist their source — the aggressively exciting world Olson's “stationary bandit”. In all these differences lies the essence of how mobile housing can overcome the pathology of the emergence of such a gangster, but the mechanism of the "positive abolition" of the latter still requires articulation.
Therefore, the concept of logistics design is focused on optimizing the ideas of the infrastructure basis of a civilian garage economy with a high degree of survivability in the face of increasing repressive pressure. Earlier, the author of these lines proposed the hypothesis that the state (in sence mentioned above) is a much more ancient pathology of the development of mankind than the not so historically long-term (for a period of just half a millennium) the anomaly of capitalism. If capitalism is taken in the context of defining capital as “annual accounting balances”, then its essence appears to be a special mass and trans-generational pathological love (mania) for creating deflation (to being an agent of its creation) and an equally pathological phobia of inflation – precisely because of this mania. Extraction of trading profits as one of the types of income is one of the varieties of exchange games, “normal” (which, however, is possible) is limited to project urgency and does not need to have a pathological character – such occurs just in “rational hierarchies” where playing "king of the hill" and "running around the chairs". Sometimes it is useful to speculatively reject the Marxist explanatory strata – because it is simply the only, ingenious in its systematic, explanation of the world, which could also be explained in a different futurology of social change, and which in its exclusivity created the "Oedipus" effect of self-reproducing reality, time significantly changed. And then what remains is “some” social evolution with three known types of income, evolving methods of monetary circulation (exchange games) and human ingenuity — also evolving with respect to already created institutions and artifacts (including money, the issuer of which is not necessarily the state). And now, when such a reduction is carried out – the exit from the "wheel of sansara" of inflation-deflationary passions, a person finds himself "in a simple place" (wherever he is), free from imposed co-operation and social processes, and discovers his own ability to create, and money is a tool for organizing other people's activities. It is then that he becomes an entrepreneur, and not when he “makes a profit” or refuses to play, while retaining the already useless chips, blocking others from trying. Thus, the game against itself is carried out, which is why capitalism is a pathology. And since it is age-old, it seems otherwise that this is an eternal or evolutionarily regular state, since "life is pain." If the latter were true, there would be nothing in life but pain. Life is also (and perhaps, above all), a game with a limited danger. Is it possible to play well when it hurts? And yes, the author of these lines is a supporter of the application of the Aristotelian concept of entelechy to social processes.
In this sense, social evolution and public health, logistic design is not a return to the former nomadic lifestyles and subject-technological sets, but the development of ways of perception of the world and "seamless" transformations of living environments. What is certainly not characteristic of the "traditional" relationship of nomadic ecumene with sedentary ones. In addition, it is known that the classics of the long-known and simple technologies may well coexist with very avant-garde ones (as is the case, for example, in medicine, where simple classical tools are used together with complex ones — especially those implemented ad hoc). . That is, such a design is deliberately supposed to be compatible with existing systems of transport infrastructures and found in them.
All these social circumstances are far from news, and, in fact, the entire history of personal vehicles, which for decades have become a powerful multiplicative driver that created the “automobile civilization” itself, including autotrailers and the domilons mentioned below, represent the logistic design. But in the proper sense this concept encompasses not only the means of personal overcoming and covering large spaces and full-fledged means of housing in the transport format, but also the mobility of the infrastructure for staying vehicle itself, which primarily includes the means and volumes ensuring the stay of these working volumes in stay-parking-mooring, where they do not perform the transport function – in the garage or on the pier platform. It is here that an inter-scale relationship of this kind arises, and new opportunities that have yet to be clarified. A car or motorcycle loaded into the garage of an autocamp on the basis of a long-distance bus is in a sense the same as a plane on an aircraft carrier: residency as a category of rest turns out to be differential relative to the scale of the presence environment (and the urgency of its stay – as in the case of the garage tent walls), and not absolute relative to the “immovable” covering volume funded in the ground.
Another important news in the light of all that is being discussed here and what is offered as a natural perspective for solving the problems of modernity is the fundamental self-sufficiency of not a single national economy of the beginning of the 21st century – the latter is a neoliberal myth that bona fide (but not very widely covered) observers repeatedly cry out. And if the world is not self-sufficient, then is it not the urgency and ubiquity of the active presence in the locus of an individual with a sufficiently comfortable and decent standard of living should be difference of his life? Maybe it's time to stop to consider of resettlement in the context of fixed-in-locus? Is not this free movement the next stage and an essential sign of economic and civilizational evolution?

General design task in spatial archetypes


About the machine for communication and machine for housing

The task is to offer highly personalized, compact and aesthetic solutions in which high mobility and reliability of vehicles would be maximally provided with the functions of a comfortable dwelling (dwelling machine) and, on the other hand, the dwelling would have the most maneuverable, light, powerful and long-range personal transport function least vulnerable to control and prohibitive means of the state (in the “Olson sense”, which goes here and not only by constant refrain), ideally – the more maneuverable and viable, the more repressive state or similarly organized hierarchical structure. And to set all this as the logic of basic spatial forms, so that the perception of categories would be the easiest, but would suggest a sufficient complexity of variations with the utmost simplicity of the rules and the “alphabet” of game means, like the Chinese game of Go. This is an attempt to formulate a way of organizing a space in which there are many composite centers, but they do not suppress each other, and the periphery does not dissolve them in itself.
The proposed solution in the field of housing should become as common, universal, technological, customizable, personalized, and also change the way of life of mankind on a global scale, which the mobile phone in the field of communications at one time. Moreover: it is precisely the widespread RV, coupled with the evolution of these tools discussed above (the attendant changes and simplifications) that will most likely become the next boom, like the “telephone” one, and will be paired with it as an existing one (and, by the way, in part to the fading as global demand issues increase). And, together with him, having formed a personal offline space (which is not yet available), he will create a new, widely and umbrella-spread, ubiquitous lifestyle. But the services of integrating the means of communication with the means of personal mobile housing thereselves still should still be offered after such housing itself becomes ubiquitous everyday life with changing cultural accents, and with them the permissible possibilities and ways of implementing life strategies.

About large and small shelters

The main units here, perhaps, will be “large shelter” (tent, pavilion or “wide garage”), “small shelter” (module or box for one person or a set of personal objects), one or several pieces of which are hidden in one large one; each of them assumes a transport part, or chassis. Such a “big-small” attitude is like the Japanese concept of daisyo, only applied to negative, embracing and unifying spaces, and not to disconnecting, positive spaces of “everyday weapons”. In the transfer function, a “small shelter” (module, box) is less transformative relative to the transfer function and is taken in the aspect of “knot” or “ring”; whereas the “big shelter” is taken in the aspect of “loop” or “niche”, and it is attributed just the function of “multicellular” transformability, scalability, “collapsible”, which can turn out to be the same for many nodes (and those, in turn, having assembled, in some implementations form a “loop” for objects of a different scale). Elements of "large shelter" (for example, reciprocal rods or springs[6] – depending on what is used from the infinitely rich palette of these elements) turn out to be a “small constructive”, whereas a well-defined space of “small shelters” by the shapes of cylinders or tetrahedra is a “large constructive”. In this case, the “small” construct of the “large” shelter can also be called the “constructive of hook” or “niche”, and the “large” constructive of “small” shelter – “constructive of ring” or “closed figure”. This duality of the semicircle and the full circle corresponds, by the way, to the Palladian morphological intuitions, but it does not refer to fundamental structures, but to mobile ones.
Moreover, “large shelter” can be opened to the external environment not only horizontally, but mostly vertically, in keeping with the ancient idea of the traditional “long house”, typical of many nations. As for another condition of the guy – namely, the string, the transport function itself symbolically corresponds to it. The literal possibilities of tensioned systems in the broad sense of such a function have yet to be clarified – and not only in the sense of Fuller-Snelsonian mechanics.
A simple speculative image of all this can be represented by a barrel with a sail on a simple spar that moves it over the waves. For the case of a deep division of labor and big money, very large, numerous barrels for many people were created with a complex spars and numerous sails over each of them, the service of which was also the subject of the division of labor, in which applied rigging science appeared, using a subject-technological set of elementary mechanisms of a certain kind. It also offers a spatial solution, when several barrels are connected under one big sail and float on the waves ... or stand on the ground; or when they unite, and the sails form a more complex for movement, multi-gap system, the passengers of which may be several people (or one, rich in barrels, Diogenes), but in each of them there is a place for a reserve sail, for various reasons leaving this mechanical union, each, separately taken, barrel, would have its own source of movement.
The concept of "large and small shelters" (small – in large) also corresponds to the ideas of some architects about the optimal comfortable composition of the dwelling, which is a roof, significantly protruding beyond for the relatively low walls as a "visor" (which is typical of some types of traditional dwelling – Ukrainian hut, Celtic round houses and some types of African dwellings, as well as other solutions of European pavilion architecture). In addition, it is precisely this duality of volumes that is likely to become the area of innovations for enclosing spatial expansions of the “main volume” (usually unchanged or limited-transformer) of caravans and campers, which today are mostly side canopies-awnings and upper tents for a rigid roof (the latter – especially for off-road solutions). If not a separate segment of the RV, in connection with which it is possible that the project "Ninth Sky" and other domes of R. B. Fuller will be a source of inspiration here. The proposed change concerns the possibility of covering the entire original volume of a mobile dwelling machine completely in a much larger volume in order to have a larger living parking space without losing any habitability – that is, where the caravan or camper itself will be the compositional center, but not oppressive, and in which it is even possible situate at least one more same volume or several smaller sizes (for example, single shanty); that is to deploy a residential or working interior, and to do so in a fairly wide scope. Existing "classic" spatial expansions play an important role, but not the function of a compactly folded and transportable, easy-to-build garage, which can be deployed almost anywhere, forming a significant internal volume, while ensuring its high resistance to stress. For which something other than a fixed transforming subvolume is already required. The reciprocal carrier systems and the jitterbug convolution can lead to interesting solutions (especially in terms of automatic disclosure). The architectural aspect of all this goes further.

On shelters for the living and the dead

Further – about the "large and small archetypal shelters" in the sense of their distinction as a shelter for the living and shelter for the dead. There is a popular expression in architectural circles that there are no ideal architectural forms for life, since the most ideal such form is a grave. It represents the upper part of the structure, which marks, protects the space and hides an even smaller structure – a coffin or sarcophagus, inside which the dead person is placed (or what remains of it), indifferent to the engineering, artistic and ergonomic features of these volumes and forms. For it does not constitute a more positive filling of space with life, being not perceptive. However, culturally, the coffin is a personal “sleeping place” for the formerly living, which is due to the myths of the ideas of the “afterlife” dating back to very ancient times; It is important that it is, first of all, a representation of the living, doing something for the dead, who cannot assess this action, but before that during life they both assume its fact and (as a rule) its positive character. But being dead, they do not give any feedback to those alive who bury body, and therefore such communication can be considered as a relation with failure of the argumental place (because of a relation from the point of view of the science of logic is a function). There are graves in the form of a crypt or charnel – usually vaulted and, as a rule, an underground room with one or more coffins (or smaller graves and, again, coffins as "sleeping places" of the dead). According to other literary phantom memes before the “Internet era”, aristocratic vampires live in them comfortably. Some of the underground necropolises are world famous – for example, the tombs of the Vatican, Escorial, or Serapeum (if this was ever the necropolis at all). What they have in common is that both the crypts themselves and the coffins located in them constitute real estate, or the “immovable

materiality” of useful premises, which, both in the sense of actual use and its marketability, has a degenerate meaning: the goods are urgently and relatively short-lived, but in the sense of usefulness refers to the "usefulness of the dead", already perceived for centuries as an oxymoron and a subject of grim irony while preserving the funeral traditions and rituals themselves. And the crypt and the sarcophagus in it signify elementary taxonomic units (but not necessarily forms, which may indicate the richness of artistic fantasy). First of all, because it is precisely in the meaning of real estate that the crypt and the coffin are an attribute of "those who have fallen asleep in eternal sleep", whose peace cannot be disturbed, and who, having ceased to be someone, is reduced to the elementary. At the same time earlier, in life, immovable "inhabitants" of the crypt (by whom in a dead body condition it is precisely that their own "movability" is indifferent) the privacy of personal shelter and "little ecumene" was not at all provided for or guaranteed.
It is not necessary for a living person to constantly designate the place of his presence as a tough and massive sign, and to be there – it will not be a sign or a norm of life. The elementary geometric and compositional forms also are the beginnings of life – especially when their set is connecting, disconnecting, and recombining with each other, which rules out “massiveness”. A living shelter is needed – for a temporary stay and constantly "its own", including its own “small environment”, adapted in the closest environment of nature. And the first means of such adaptation is the carrier and enclosing spatial volume, the maintenance of which does not have to be the subject of his eternal concern or unambiguous presence (although many still exist and perceive close spaces, considering themselves to be "alive"). Life involves the selection of optimal, but reliable means for housing, which are often simple. The condition is imposed on them to be easy to live in the maximum of the values of this expression – it is such housing that can be perceived (by almost all nations of the world) as a sign of health and civilizational development. Yes, massive castles were built to protect life, but the aircraft (in one form or another), for which lightness and maneuverability are significant, has become and remains the most formidable weapon today. The movable module for a relaxing holiday under the dome of a greenhouse garden is something other than a sarcophagus in the crypt, although both of them are capable of detecting similarities of forms and compositions. "Anti charnel" – not the same as the charnel or charnel; although, if we connect the etymology of the word "crypt" with the Polish "sklep" (a place of storage and in russian transliteration – a place of burial), then comfortable life in wide underground villas-bunkers is a well-known segment of premium landscape-integrated dwellings in North America during and after the Cold War (turned out to be its continuation), somewhat deviated from the purely private solutions of "civil defense" – by the way, in Russian slang abbreviation which received the expression "GrOb" (CoffIn).

About mobile and semi-stationary dwellings

In terms of logistic design, it is worthwhile to designate the combination of mobile housing in its domillon style with landscape-integrated and alternating architecture (“hosted in non-traditional environments”). Here, according to S. Pomorov (the author of the monograph “Second housing or houses in nature...”) [7], “not the house” is assigned “to the place, but on the contrary, the place, albeit temporarily, is assigned to the house”. Which is quite opportunely combined with the comment of R. B. Fuller on meaninglessness at the end of the 20th century of attempts to territorially divide earthly space "in an absolute way" – just as attempts to divide the territory of the World Ocean, made at the time by pirates of the early capitalist era, turned out to be meaningless (look his "Grunch of Giants"). Due to the convergence of technologies and stylistic directions, the line between dominions and RV is extremely thin, but there are some differences depending on conceptual accents and priority features.

Domilions can be considered a kind of road-yacht lifestyle decisions (camper-trailer), or rather, terrestrial-nature-yachting, whose artistic and compositional realization is closer to the stationary forms of a small dwelling, rather than caravans and campers proper, the serial models of which are implemented in transport design . And by the degree of transferability, domilons are and are perceived mainly as semi-stationary solutions, although almost the majority of their implementations are still caravans – the spatial volume on the wheeled platform with the drawbar. Large-sized mass-produced versions of such dwellings "with a gable roof and a veranda with balusters" belong to the category of mobile cottages. At the same time, compactness or even ultracompactness in combination with the usual forms of residential construction will be closer to the essential definition of a domilon, rather than its mobility, regarded as a useful, but not the main, option. In this regard, this type of compact housing is often characterized by the equality of length and width, since there is no rigid binding to road standards dimensions. This type of mobile architecture in the case of exceeding the standard road traffic dimensions is more often implemented as prefabs than for similar solutions on its own transport platform. What could be important for those who are more comfortable in a uniform environment of spatial volume, and not in an elongated one. At the same time, the domilon is not necessarily doomed to be just a stationary solution (such as the English modular prefabs for veterans of the Second World War). In dimensions larger than road, the “wide domilon” can be quite organically placed on a water transport platform – the yachting realization of domilons with a uniform area, which is more often found in the form of freshwater pontoons. This is not to mention the fact that the least sized and cheap form of the domilon can be considered ice shanty, which is discussed in the next chapter.
Given this preliminary presentation of differences as a conceptual background, it is worth considering the already known contexts in which they can be interpreted.

Industry-specific prerequisites


Logistic design as integrated

Here the logistic design is considered in the aspect of its livingry sources. Victor Papanek called his design integrated in the sense of its integration into life, or the realization of the idea of "design for the real world". Offered here for a logistics concept design follows this idea and its development is the sum of its premises causing and justifying the opportunity to talk about the design in this way and is a direct connection between these ideas with the ideas of his friend R.B.Fuller.
The fantasticness of the solutions proposed within this approach is fully justified by the accelerating dynamics of world processes, during which risks and shocks for all those who, in the name of goodwill became adherent to "engineering integration", require decisive technological, technological and social engineering innovations that would not be damage to the basic idea of ​​a holistic and culturally developed presence of a person on the planet and, thus, would only confirm its viability and realism in a difficult and crucial period of history of humanity.
What semantic bindings are supposed to be the expression "logistic design", besides the immediately indicated connection with the ideas of Papanek and Fuller? First of all, the fact that this is the design of living space and everyday life, implemented in a logistic style and with a logistic accent of branding (that is, lifestyle), the very mobility of living space and the tradability of its benefits mean being-in-mode and being-in-surroundings. At the same time, the principle of mobility itself, combined with the principle of tradability, defines it. That is, the mobile spaces themselves and the means of ensuring their mobility receive the status of non-stock and non-bargained goods (anthropologically external), even if they themselves were received or produced as a commodity. Since, being logistic, they are the means of being the trade itself. Their commodity status becomes similar to the commodity status of a weapon (anticipating the most money in the framework of the identification and distribution hypothesis of the origin of them). The measure of value here is the useful free space, which has comfortable for the human user, “indoor” climatic conditions.
The author of these lines placed the idea of logistic design in the field of physical narratives, since his main categories coincide with the main mechano-geometric categories that he tries to interpret in Heron and Fuller’s ways of thinking, as well as in Leibniz’s sense of formation of space by the world of things, which are based on elementary mechanisms and spaces, socially defined, as a branded environment, or a confidential lifestyle environment[8]. Another reason is that each basic category of logistic design can be implemented on a preferential basis of one or another elementary mechanism – which for the most part are of a universal universal character. Physics is that which finds itself in the continuum (in another opinion, it forms a continuum), and it acquires its being for man through mechanics (be it unaidedly observed by Geron[9], quantum or "heavenly").
The key categories of invented, manufactured and serviced facilities here will be the platform that defines the action space (hangar as a closed space); a box (capacity) defining the functional identity of the space (storage platform); and a transporter (chassis as a transport platform) providing movement or change of juxtaposition in space. The first and second are considered in relation to the radius of permissible action relative to the point of application of forces that can be represented inter-scale; the third is as a category of connector of spaces defined in its function.
The simplest and cheapest forms of the first and second in the well-known system of subject-technological sets "of the era of superdeveloped markets" (and, perhaps, before it), as the author of these lines discovered as a result of considering various product categories, are the greenhouse hangar (as closed from all the parties, apart from the open slipway) and the “ice shanty” (ice house fisherman) – which, by the way, does not have to have an orthogonal shape (in Canada and the northern states of the United States even special contests and fairs of such “small forms” are held in the nomination stylistic originality, aesthetics and functionality). It makes sense to consider the English-language etymologies of what is associated with the concept denoted here by the "box". Its synonyms are also "cabine", "booth", "cage", "cope", that is, "cabin" without prior connotative binding to the transport function or to the "salon" function for many people (the priority here is life-supporting, while transport included in the scope of this concept). Whereas a “hangar” can be considered as a box component or a paired system within a single transport layout, and in the same sense their implementations in the form of jitterbug packaging are interesting. Here the cross-platformness of box/cabine is especially important with respect to transport media – the versatility of technological connectors and methods of mounting on different carriers. On the other hand, it is also possible to divide transport platforms according to the number of "boxes" placed on them and to understand such mobile housing in the sense of a camp – many separated (mostly single-chamber) rooms on a local surface (or in a local volume – in order, again, fantastic case where there is no "top and bottom"). A box can also be considered as an equipped type of furniture – a private alcove-type private space, which intend to converges with car caravans and campers in the form of add-ons that dock to them from the outside. Their later descendants may well be considered their prototypes – the Dutch sleeping cabines or the cells of modular hotels (the latter, by the way, may have a rather wide interior space).
In the sense of vehicle, there are solutions originating from the English horse cab (cab), in the Russian version – “gig” ("dvukolka"), where control is carried out either by the driver behind the passenger or by the passenger himself. Such a sequenced scheme of layout of the driver and passenger migrated to the open (and marginalized closed) two-wheeled motorcycle systems with the same wheel alignment. In this case there is a standard vehicle with a closed space for one person in addition to the transport volume for a small group of passengers in the case of a phaeton and a large group in the case of an omnibus solution. These three types of passenger volumes have become basic for a wide variety of road, water and air transport systems, perhaps for the entire period of their evolution – like a table for one person, a table for several people and many tables for many people.
On the other hand, the logistic design represents the narrative of one of the neo-nomadic trends, providing the "new settled" a way to break out of the new forms of "localization dependencies" (new serfdom, including fiscal forms), providing simple and original technological solutions based on fundamental knowledge. And, as has already been said, neither more nor less – approaches to new forms of civilizational structure with sufficient economic, technological, social, civil, and even military security. Here he is focused on stopping risks that could be called "Jacques Attali factors". In this sense, the ideas of logistic design are close to the ideas of North American social movements "tent city" and "tiny housing", which have solid academic support from glass-wall-univercities, as well as Russian ideas of "garage economy" (equally well-founded by independent "think tanks" although not at the level of university scientific platforms), only the "garageness" itself is understood here in the sense of much greater mobility (including the garages themselves), constructive lightness – in the sense of infrastructure mobility, as well as that it can represent a rather comfortable living environment provided by the service infrastructure. In a sense, it can be said that the logistic design is a combination of Russian “garage” style with the American “tiny housing” style, since it’s easy to do because the cultural niches of both are oriented in its development towards DIY as a maximum of the new quality of production and consumption, and as an alterculture, not a counterculture at all.
These things are very appropriately combined with the "foodforest" agricultural farm, permaculture, "tent / tiny urbanism", "militia movement" and a number of other remarkable phenomena of constructive subcultures of civil self-organization. However, the question of what should be “this is all”, what is being discussed here (almost entirely and completely as a concept located in the field of architecture), does not seem to be even posed in such a generality. Of course, one can say that what has been said is proposed for implementation in the domilon architecture and the dwelling machine, however, there are no requirements that ideally should have such a solution, even the most fantastic. (Let me remind you that the ideal is not a "Platonic idea" that exists in the world of the unattainable, but an idea of a sample that can become a goal; articulation of this view contributes to the clarity of the vision of the sample and the greater reachability of the goal.) These requirements will become the most important task, through the movement towards which it will be easier and more systematic to accomplish tasks, and at the expense of consistency – to receive bonuses of synergy effects. And it is possible that if you continue the search with perseverance, you will also find a solution to some of the most important tasks (which, for the author of these lines, has already been done – though in other projects).

Logistic design as a continuation of military wagon-train art

Here, the logistic design is considered in terms of its sources of weaponry. It also represents the porting of wagon-train-fodder art (cargo-convoy art), or technology, as originally military, into the civilian sector. A convoy for many is connotatively associated in sound with a “burden” (rus. "obuza") although etymologically it is still "delivery around" (rus. "obvoz"), but this semantics, in spite of all its stability, is not obligatory, since with the "wagon-train" theme taken from the field of weaponry, the idea of high mobility and combinatorial solutions can be taken, which does not at all imply any kind of unpleasant care, but already-always provision with the necessary means. Moreover, it is precisely the wagon-line modular implementations of weapons systems that represent the vanguard of military equipment of the borders of the XX and XXI centuries – which are mobile anti-aircraft systems capable of complex coordination under conditions of environmental autonomy and territorial distribution. So the wagon train is not necessarily a column of luggage carts (which, by the way, is a gross mistake of redeployment in the case of combat use of anti-aircraft systems). The task is to implement such infrastructures in a cheaper, serial and civil variant (which, in turn, also turns out to be significant in the sense of "double solutions" in the formation of an army of the "Swiss type"). In this sense, there is a rich field of engineering and artistic implementations, as well as possible functional tasks. Actually, the military or civil status of a convoy and the categories related to it is determined by the functional use of mobile infrastructure, and the sustainability of the military understanding of the latter is determined only by the frequent practice of using it in history, when people had to quickly change positions with maximum comfort and organization. Of course, the historically closest and most technologically advanced example of a civilian wagon train is the culture of the North American (and also partly Australian) continental colonizers, whose institutional development in science-intensive forms of social movements has already been noted here. The civic subculture of preppers (or pre-operativeism) (unchanging companion, twin brother and antagonist of the subculture of survivalism), only implemented on other spatial volumes as storage and transportation platforms – larger than backpacks, but smaller than the largest cargo or passenger transport (primarily railway and aviation), should also be attributed to the civic branch of wagon-train art. Actually, the logistic design embraces all these aspects and directions, in a variety of forms allowing you to isolate the general and offering a rich palette of creative possibilities.

At the same time, the wagon-train art and practice is a part, if not the basis, of castrumetization and light fortification — so easy that it can be considered a model. For example, a small greenhouse hangar (approximately 2.45 X 4 in size) belongs to the number of light fortification equipment in the US Army, only straw blocks whithout polycarbonate, or those blocks on top of polycarbonate, are used as a enclosing element.
As was said, the logistic, or baggage, design offers a new spatial paradigm of housing for the mass consciousness, which means lifestyle, and the underlying basis of many forms of branding as bargained lifestyles. (This means that it should already suggest what has been said in other places about updating ideas about the sources and nature of money in the legal key.) It actually means not only fullerian separation from technological attachment to the “foundation-bottom”, but also from the perception of home in a plant presumption (in the building architecture even the working metaphor “plant a house” is used), due to historical misunderstanding is proposed to locomotive, moving and born free human being, to which someone's power extends through the control of spaces provided by communally services. This is precisely the moral basis of the previously stated idea of the mobility of the infrastructure of a "city-commodity", relations which are supposed to be built on the basis of universal law. The house or dwelling of a free person cannot be “planted”, but spread out, localized or placed. And also collapsed and moved to another place without any problems. And its properties may be the transformability of useful spaces (it is once again appropriate to recall jitterbug) and their modular compatibility.
Small afterword
Once a big fan of aristocratic yachting at that time, Thomas Lipton, at the end of the 19th century, set about the idea of making a mass tea party, which he succeeded in gaining respect among compatriots as well as foreigners. As far as we know, in yachting he never won the "main prize", giving him decades of life. A few decades later, another “sea romantic”, Buckminster Fuller, proposed a whole range of paradigm changes in science, technology and the general world perception, which even several decades after their publication open up wide opportunities for them. The reason why this process has been delayed is most likely due to one of Fuller's discoveries – his tables of the periods of distribution of technological solutions of various industries and scales in the public environment, due, among other things, to the inertia of human consciousness and the reproductive habits of society. Of course, they are of an economic nature, which, by the way, was not the subject of separate consideration by Fuller. However, today it seems that more than a century later the time has come to make the yachts themselves massive – especially when this concept has long overstepped the bounds of a small sea sailing ship.
What next? And then – specific business plans for the implementation of individual concepts and categories of product solutions, which are discussed here. The income from the shareholder profit of the corresponding companies of entire industries will be received by the one who shares the values presented here associated with these products (which, apparently, will only partly be commodities, but more personalized public goods). The author of these lines has already taken care of (and assumes to take care in the future) that those who know and understand the importance of overcoming the problems addressed by the products in the framework of the trends discussed here become wealthy in the new wave of demand and after it ends. Because their existence and accessibility is more important than any income and profit. And also – about the things that have been said here openly (since there is not yet a public part of this text, relating to more specific things) not to be the object of the interception of the initiative or the agenda from the archaic forms of the organization of society; that is, the prevention of the realization of the very essence of the power of some people over others – the monopoly distribution of products that are critical for the state of freedom. The beneficiaries of the new wave are clothed with this task, but only partially. Since such a denial is already inherent in the very idea of commodity and non-marketable product forms, independent of all sorts of "secrets of the Madrid court" or "espionage passions". All these things represent natural and healthy decisions in the perspective of the historical process, no matter how strange they may seem to anyone today.

[1] Is this the essence of Fuller's euphemerisation?

[2] Approbation of the topic took place in the form of a report on the results of a study of the global market for gambling, betting and lotteries at the Research and Development Center Neokonomika in 2018.

[3] Or the substantive logic of interrogative performatives relating to the same order of things.

[4] According to E. Hobsbaum and O. Grigoriev, the wave of demand that began in the middle of the XIX century was caused by the “cotton revolution” – the beginning of the mass use of cotton fabrics and machines for their production on the expensive labor market in England, using industrial coal as well and ... even earlier the creation of a market for clockwork as an incentive for the development of precise mechanics (and precision coordination) within the machine-tool industry for the production of machines (Grigoriev's thesis itself).

[5] Whether our everyday citizen life should depend of the existence of the state as something of princ-iple? This would only mean our dependence on the insecurity of a certain infrastructural component of our daily life.

[6] First of all, simple arched springs are meant.

[7] "Второе жилище горожан или дом на природе. Урбоэкологические аспекты эволюции городского жилища". Издательство Новосибирской государственной архитектурно-художественной академии. Новосибирск – 2004. ISBN 5-89170-023-2.

[8] The environment of a certain way of life is confidential before this confidence takes a monetary form and makes a change in this way of life itself.

[9] Specially do not say "newtonian".

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